We were blessed to spend some quality time visiting relatives in the old country… Es war sehr schön! We even found a bee supply store and bought a bunch of cool gadgets like numbered queen disks for next year’s queen rearing adventure!
Category: Bee Info
Spinning out
We’ve been busy spinning not our wheels but rather our honey frames to extract honey. When we went to check on the bees, even our packages installed this spring had been busy and we got a nice little bumper crop of pale aromatic spring honey. We already sent some off with our friends to make… Continue reading Spinning out
Queen Bees
We have been asked about queen bees. Yes, we have successfully grafted queens before and fully intend to get back to that next season. This year we just have had time constraints that didn’t allow for it. We may be making some queens for our own use, but are not set up to make any… Continue reading Queen Bees
There is honey!
We are so excited to see that we have some honey on packages installed this spring. We haven’t gotten to all the apiaries yet, but our Jerome bees certainly took advantage of the excellent forage around. It looks like we will have to do some extracting soon to prevent hives getting honey bound. Honey bound… Continue reading There is honey!
We need a home!
We are currently busy with looking for a home for our operation to be able to go and make the beer, the honey and the mead. So, if you know of someone with a place to sell or lease out that has or can be brought up to health code for food processing, let us… Continue reading We need a home!
Honey Harvest
We are building up our hives this spring and are hoping for a bumper crop in the fall. Meanwhile, we are out of honey!
We’re back!
We are finally getting back online after getting hacked in March, wiping out our site. We are still adding content, so please be patient! Thank you for visiting!