Dear Property Owner…

We finally updated our apiary host letter. What is that? It’s a letter to property owners asking if they would be interested in hosting some of our bees.

Dear Property Owner,

We are a local beekeeping business and are looking for hosts for our bees.

We are a family-owned business based in Springfield. Please visit us on our website to learn more at (see QR Code).

What we are looking for 

We are looking for permanent locations for our bee hives starting with about 10 going up to 30 per location.

Just about any spot will do, we need no more than 20 by 20 feet as long as it is accessible by vehicle.

You can expect to see bee activity on most days 45 degrees and warmer with peak activity during the spring and summer months close to the hives.

Why you should consider hosting bees 

Honeybees are an essential pollinator and the numbers have been dwindling to diseases, industrial farming, and loss of beekeepers. Bees will pollinate in about a 4-mile radius from the apiary location. Any type of fruiting plant from apple trees to cucumbers greatly benefits from honeybees in the vicinity, but even self-pollinated plants show increased yields.

Our apiary hosts can expect to get some honey at the end of the season as a thank you and, if interested, you can purchase our honey, wax, and comb honey at wholesale.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read our letter, and for your consideration. Please feel free to share this if you know someone that may be interested.


Anna & Andy O’Connell